Adventures in Coding


  1. Monopoly Go - Heist Simulation python programming softwaredevelopment ai

    Sometimes you just play with things

  2. Developer Career and Job Search/Interview Advice advancement career community journey

    Career management isn't always intuitive

  3. Hacktoberfest with GitKraken hacktoberfest git gitkraken opensource

    Introduction to Open Source using GitKraken

  4. Perfection vs Completion development programming craftsmanship journey

    Is it better to be right or done?

  5. Hacktoberfest hacktoberfest opensource beginners programming

    What is it and how to participate

  6. Pitching Ideas to Developers productivity freelance programming planning

    Some things to consider

  7. Coding Challenge with Clean Code codequality programming cleancode productivity

    What benefits are there to clean coding?

  8. Career Advancement career coding learning leadership

    How do you move forward?

  9. Uncle Bob - Lesson One career codequality cleancode development uncle bob

    My summary of the video.

  10. Who is Uncle Bob career codequality beginners codenewbie uncle bob

    After hearing the name for a while, I decided to learn more about/from Uncle Bob

  11. Use the Tools To Your Advantage meta watercooler blog tools

    Don't work harder than you have to.

  12. New Tools productivity tools discuss watercooler

    New tools can drastically improve your quality of life.

  13. New Job New Tools career watercooler productivity discuss

    It's amazing the differences that a tool set can make.

  14. What Makes a Good Developer? career development learning programming

    This question comes up a lot.

  15. Productive Mentoring learning career advice leadership

    Both parties in a mentoring relationship should be purposeful in their activity for best results

  16. Carpe Diem career mentalhealth teamwork journey

    Being intentional in your daily activities

  17. Be Excitable discuss mentalhealth wellbeing watercooler

    Hobbies and interests make you a better developer and a better person.

  18. I Am Privilieged diversity inclusion community discuss

    Privilege and diversity are quite complex and often times difficult to understand until we can obtain context outside of our own.

  19. Testing Difficulties TDD testing cicd automation

    Testing effectively can be quite challenging.

  20. Writing Better Code development codequality cleancode craftsmanship

    Even bad code runs, how do we make our code better?

  21. Know Your Brand career promotion advancement development

    The first step in brand management is to have a good understanding of what it is.

  22. Bullet Journaling Basics productivity bulletjournal tools journal

    Where do you start with bullet journaling?

  23. Agility and Improvement agile productivity career development

    Agile methodologies are really easy to let become strict process instead of dynamic workflow

  24. I'm Corey McCarty, and I support women devs. shecodedally women tech inclusion

    Women's day is important

  25. Logging Improves Quality of Life logging development programming beginner

    If you care then you will work to improve the logging in everything you write.

  26. Always Be Learning career learning discuss mentalhealth life

    If you aren't geting better then you are getting worse.

  27. The Importance of Community career learning discuss mentalhealth life

    How we perform as a part of a team stems directly from how we interact with any group or community

  28. Wholeness of Life career learning discuss mentalhealth life

    Overall strategy for growth.

  29. My Introduction to Jenkins jenkins devops productivity learning

    What I've learned about Jenkins CI/CD in the last six months.

  30. Writing Pitfalls blogging writing discuss watercooler

    As you write more, you realize that you need to improve some things.

  31. What Text Editors Do You Use? watercooler discuss tools editor

    However many it may be, what editors do you find helpful in your workflow?

  32. Blogging Goals discuss watercooler blogging writing

    Direction for blogging success

  33. Markdown Style markdown css vscode

    This is what I use for markdown in VSCode

  34. Using Markdown for Notes productivity markdown vscode css

    Increasing Productivity with Markup Language

  35. Dependency Hell java gradle technicaldebt codequality

    Best practices must evolve

  36. Discovering My Impostor Syndrome impostorsyndrome mentalhealth career beginners

    Coming to better understanding of my skill level

  37. Customizing 11ty Blog 11ty tutorial travisci beginners

    Cleaning up after forking

  38. Getting Started with Stack Overflow stack overflow motivation career beginners

    I finally decided to join the community

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